Source: https://dgcine.gob.do/ noviembre 20, 2021.
The president of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Dominican Republic (ACCINERD), Luis Arambilet, announced that the film "Bantú mama", directed by Iván Herrera, has received the highest award for Best Feature Film at the Latin & Iberian Film Festival at Yale.
The selection was sent by the Dominican film academy to this prestigious international festival by virtue of inter-academic agreements with YALE University, existing since 2021, and where the work by director Iván Herrera was highly praised for its aesthetic virtues and the deep human message that reveals its plot line.
The jury composed of Ana María Hernández, Ph.D., Comparative Literature, New York University; producer Carla Salinas Ávila and Diego Corsini, director, producer and screenwriter, appreciated the intersectional complexities of an Afro-Latino identity explored by the film.
The film, likewise, won the “León Ortega” School of Art award in Huelva for Best Photography.
DIRECTOR: Ivan Herrera
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Iván Herrera, Clarisse Albrecht, Nicolás Lamadrid, Edna Lerebours, Tim Voelkner, Marco Herrera, Nabil
SCREENWRITER: Clarisse Albrecht & Ivan Herrera
DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Sebastián Cabrera Chelin, SDC
EDITORS: Pablo Chea & Israel Cardenas
SOUND DESIGN: David Hernández
MUSIC: Mediumship Music, LS & Boddhi Satwa
CASTING: Iván Herrera, Edna Lerebours & Lea Lerebours
1st. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Edgar Alcántara Lapaix
COSTUME: Palma Ruiz
LINE PRODUCER: Cristian Mojica
PRODUCTION: Point Barre, in association with Aurora Dominicana &
Basecamp Studio
CAST: Clarisse Albrecht, Arturo Pérez, Euris Javiel, Scarlet Reyes, Donis Tavera